Will salonspafurniture sell or rent my email address information to other companies?
We use the personally identifiable information you provide for internal purposes, such as confirming and tracking your order, subscription or registration, analyzing trends and statistics, informing you of our new products, services and offers, etc.
We consider the personal information you choose to share with us to be confidential.
We do not share any personal or identifying information you submit through our web sites with any unaffiliated third party, unless it is necessary to respond to your inquiry or required by law.
We may also contact you should there be a major change at salonspafurniture.com. We will not contact you anytime else.
This site does use cookies. However, we do not keep any of your personal details on cookies. We simply store a cookie token (just a number) in cookie format. This cookie token does not correlate to any of your personal information.